"I am a continuation, like the rain is a
continuation of the cloud"
→ Thich Nhat
Hanh | Plum Village
Thích Nhất Hạnh, * 11. Oktober 1926 als Nguyễn Xuân Bảo in Thừa Thiên,
Region Annam, Französisch-Indochina; † 22. Januar 2022 in Huế, Vietnam)...
(siehe Wikipedia: Thich Nhat Hanh )
Am 22.Jänner 2022 ging unser verehrter und geliebter Lehrer "Thay" Thich Nhat Hanh
in die "Große Verwandlung".
Hier einige Nachrufe von Meditationslehrern anderer buddhistischer Traditionen:
1.) Richard Baker Roshi ("Zentatsu Myoyu"):
2.) Tenzin Gyatso - S.H. der 14. Dalai Lama:
... viele weitere Nachrufe findet ihr auf der Plum Village homepage unter:
Condolence Letters | Plum Village
... und Thay selbst soll einmal gesagt haben:
“Please do not build a stupa for me. Please do not put my ashes in a vase, lock me inside, and limit who I am. I know this will be difficult for some of you. If you must build a stupa though, please make sure that you put a sign on it that says, ‘I am not in here.’ In addition, you can also put another sign that says, ‘I am not out there either,’ and a third sign that says, ‘If I am anywhere, it is in your mindful breathing and in your peaceful steps.'”
I have arrived, I'm home - Mehr Infos - Dharma-Austausch - StudiGrup - Thay - Historie - Frieden - Links
webmaster + f.d.I.v: Stefan Kornhäusl / Tel.: 0650-6345270 - mailto: stefan.kornhaeusl[at]gmx.at
Letzte Änderung: DI 14.01.2025 22:36